How to Install Memcached on CentOS 7 Print

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Step #1 Install Memcached

First, clean-up yum:

yum clean all

As a matter of best practice we’ll update our packages:

yum -y update

Installing Memcached and related packages is now as simple as running just one command:

yum -y install memcached

Step #2: Configuration of the Memcached Installation

Use the following command to view information on the memcached command:

memcached -h

The default configuration file can be found at:


When started, Memcached will start on port 11211 by default per the default configuration file:


To change the port (PORT), the user Memcached runs as (USER), the maximum number of allowed connections to Memcached (MAXCONN), or the cache size in megabytes (CACHESIZE), simply edit the configuration file.

EXAMPLE: If I wanted to run Memcached on port 1337, with 4GB of memory, and allow a maximum of 2,000 connections, I would change the config file as follows.

Let’s edit the configuration file:

vim /etc/sysconfig/memcached

To the following:


Exit and save the configuration file, and then restart Memcached 

systemctl restart memcached

Step 3: Configure Memcached to Start on Boot

And then start Memcached:

systemctl start memcached

Be sure that Memcached starts at boot:

systemctl enable memcached

To check the status of Memcached:

systemctl status memcached

To stop Memcached:

systemctl stop memcached

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